Believe it or not, most jobs involve a variety of activities which are routine, repetitive, and mundane. In years gone by, these tasks were a necessary evil, but today, due to the widespread implementation of robotics process automation technology, these minor day-to-day roles are being removed. As a result, companies which have embraced and applied RPA find that it is giving them a competitive advantage, particularly in terms of attracting and retaining top talent.

Organisations need to adjust their business operations model in order to maximise value by not only exploring how RPA is affecting their operating model but also by taking into consideration the psychological implications of introducing this sort of solution. According to a recent study conducted by Forrester Consulting, it has been proved that employees are happier at work when they are more productive. In order for leaders to maximise a positive psychological impact of RPA, it is an absolute requirement for employers to communicate and collaborate well with their workers. While for some employees the fear of losing their jobs may become a reality, automation would also encourage the creation of new jobs including some entirely new job categories. This is why organisations must prioritise: –

  • Retaining workers-this includes continued innovation and research as well as developing the staffs’ skills to adapt to automation. According to a psychological research by Forrester, it has been observed that happier employees lead to better serviced customers. If these workers are only focused on routine and menial tasks, they will never be productive enough for the company. Applying the RPA concept and with digital transformation will spread more creative aspects of the business, which will therefore result in employees feeling good about their work.


  • Communicate to employees- it is extremely important for employers to communicate with their staffs about why the move on RPA is being made. This will eventually give them a sense of belonging, instead of feeling isolated. As such they will get a greater overview on how to interact and adapt to this new strategy.

Companies have observed a series of RPA benefits-including employee engagement. This is because RPA allows workers to have better interaction with others, perform work which requires more brain capacity and make less mistakes. A growing number of workers assume that automation can support their company by increasing efficiency and reducing human error. Enabling staffs to take on more important and strategic roles creates a fun and inspired work atmosphere. In today’s workforce, companies should embrace automation to keep employees longer and happier. As such, customer outcomes will improve as employee engagement increases.  For instance, by considering a Human Resources Manager’s work, repetitive and routine tasks such as sending follow up email, posting jobs, and entering data eat up time. With the use of RPA solutions and Artificial Intelligence can automate these mundane tasks and hence freeing up the manager on works which a bot cannot do- such as listening to employee queries and addressing their concerns with emotional intelligence to improve employee engagement and satisfaction.

RPA and other emerging innovations that are becoming prevalent in our society are inevitable and should be accepted enthusiastically – and implemented correctly. On the surface, automation may seem alarming but it is far from destroying job. Hence, RPA can help improve jobs and keep workers happy and engaged.

Partner with Anglo.AI

Anglo.AI is known for being keen on innovation and has always been up-to-date with the latest trends. With its Expertise, Anglo.AI provides tailor made RPA solution for different sectors. Having all the required resources, Anglo.AI is able to provide proper guidance to its clients throughout the whole process workflow. Our company partnered with Automation Anywhere, and WorkFusion for Robotics Process Automation. We hope that our contribution can help companies bring faster response to prevention and treatment now and in the future.