NanoBNK Skybridge platform is a proven open banking platform that helps build and run an entire digital bank focused on Financial Inclusion. A hassle-free platform that quickly and easily brings your digital banking project to life. Skybridge plugs into any core banking system, including proprietary and leading core banking brands, with numerous benefits. Even for established banks that keep their core legacy system, NanoBNK Skybridge is a nimble digital backbone that can boost performance.

Are you a Tier 2 / Tier 3 Bank in Africa or Asia?

Over 70% of the Unbanked resides in over 25 countries, principally Africa and Asia and if you are a Tier 2 and Tier 3 bank in these countries you might lack the relevant Human, Financial and Intellectual Capital to face the global trends which are: Global De-Risking, Digital Transformation, MNO Entry in FSI and Fintech Disruption!If this trend continues, nearly half of Tier 2 /3 are at risks of disappearing by 2025 [Data extrapolated based on US experience of Tier-3 banks and Credit Unions]. Our Mission is to partner with you, becoming your technology partner and helping you mitigate these global challenges through our Professional Services while at the same time opening new markets through the use of Financial Inclusion Applications. The risks are minimal for you as there’s only a Set-Up fee for the platform and we share revenue on the Financial  Inclusion  Applications, based on Emerging Technologies [AI for Payment, Big Data Scoring for Micro-Finance and Blockchain for Remittance]. “Get a Call Back to discuss your requirements”

Are you a Tier 1 Bank?
The gaps between the Rich and the poor continues to increase and nowhere is this more blatant than in Africa and Asia! This is exacerbating the financial inclusion situation which is already in the State of Emergency and directly impacting on the UN Sustainable Development Goals #1, #5, #8, #9 and #10, to which most of the Global, Regional and Tier 1 Banks have signed up. Our Mission is to become your low cost Fintech partner and helping you reduce your cost-to-serve ratio through the use of Financial Inclusion Applications, using Big Data Scoring in Micro Finance, Blockchain in the remittance business and AI/Open Architecture in Digital Banking all running on a single platform connected to the bank’s Core Banking ensures that transactions are cheaper, faster and safer, critical to effectively address the financially excluded. The risks is minimal for you as there’s only need a Set-Up fee for the platform and we share revenue on the Financial Inclusion Applications, based on Emerging Technologies [AI for Payment, Big Data Scoring for Micro-Finance and Blockchain for Remittance]. “Get a Call Back to discuss your requirements”

NanoBNK Skybridge platform

Skybridge plugs into any core banking system, including proprietary and leading core banking brands, with numerous benefits:

  • Front-end layer: Ready-to-use, white-labelled responsive internet and mobile application. Off-the-shelf banking products ready to be deployed such as Payment, Micro-Finance, Remittance, and Other banking products and services.
  • API Layer: Use our API adapters and API management system to connect to any third party with open API for easy integration.
  • In addition to essential banking modules like core customer account, payment and data management and onboarding functions, the onboarding process is greatly simplified as well as the full KYC process can be done digitally through video identification, through the NanoCORE Omnichannel Tool & Dashboards
  • Licensing is not an issue as our model is a Revenue Sharing one and we grow with you. Moreover, the solution can be deployed: on-premises, SaaS, AWS or Private Cloud: A host of deployment models lets you choose the model that best fits your needs, based on country regulation and your preference.