The Role of Process Automation in Financial Services

The Role of Process Automation in Financial Services

Operating in Financial services industry, has never been an easy game. Now more than ever, this industry is faced with great challenges far more significant. Challenges such as technology disruption, fraud and cybersecurity, stricter regulations from the regulators,...

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An Analysis of issues shaping Africa’s Economic Future

An Analysis of issues shaping Africa’s Economic Future

Over the past 15 years, most of the African countries experienced sustained economic growth, with facts showing growth rates exceeding 5 % per year. This has inspired much optimism about the future prospects of the African regions which will eventually leave poverty...

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The value of Automation in Airline Industry

The value of Automation in Airline Industry

Regardless of size or sector, most companies face many of the same challenges every day. Increased competition, retaining talented staff, escalating expectations of service, as well as the need to drive profitability or increase efficiency are key factors for...

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